Hindi sentences to use day to day life/ simple Hindi sentences
Hindi Sentences/ वाक्यॊ
What is this? --यह क्या है ? yak kya hii
What is that? --वह क्या है ? vak kya hii
Help me! --मदद करना madhadh karna
Take it. --देना dena
Bring it. --लेना lena
When it is happened?--जब यह हुआ है। jab yak hua hii
What is your name? --तुम्हारा नाम क्या है? tumhara nam kya hii
How are you? --आपका स्वास्थ्य कैसा है? aapka shvashdhya kiisa hii
How old are you? --आपकी उम्र क्या है? aapki umra kya hii
How is your life? --आपकाजीवन कैसा चल रहा है? aapka jeevan kiisa chal raha hii
What are you looking for?--आप क्या ढूंढ रहे है? aap kya dund rahe hii
These are all the few sentences of Hindi language which we are all use in day to day life.
The highlighted ones are pronunciations of given hindi sentence.
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